Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 82
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    Macrocyclic Effects in the Mesomorphic Properties of Liquid-Crystalline Pillar[5]- and Pillar[6]arenes
    Nierengarten, Iwona
    Holler, Michel
    Karmazin-Brelot, Lydia
    Barbera, Joaquin
    Nierengarten, Jean-Francois
    Whereas the reaction of 1,4-bis(2-bromoethyloxy)benzene (4) with paraformaldehyde in the presence of BF3·Et2O afforded exclusively the cyclopentameric pillar[5]arene deriv. (5), both cyclopenta- and cyclohexameric macrocycles 5 and 6 were obtained when the reaction of 4 with paraformaldehyde was performed at 45 °C in CHCl3 with FeCl3 as the catalyst. Treatment of compds. 4-6 with sodium azide provided the corresponding polyazides, to which a cyanobiphenyl building block was subsequently grafted to generate model compd. 1, pillar[5]arene 2, and pillar[6]arene 3, bearing two, ten and twelve mesomorphic subunits, resp. The liq.-cryst. and thermal properties of the compds. were investigated by polarized optical microscopy (POM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Comparison of the liq.-cryst. properties of macrocycles 2 and 3 with those of 1 revealed the strong influence of the macrocyclic pillar[n]arene core on the mesomorphic properties. Whereas only a monotropic mesophase was obsd. for 1, a broad enantiotropic mesophase was evidenced for both pillar[n]arene derivs. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Fullerene-containing dendrimers: synthesis and properties
    Nierengarten, Jean-Francois
    Holler, Michel
    A review. The aim of this review is not to give an exhaustive review on fullerene-contg. dendrimers but to present examples to illustrate the current state-of-the-art of fullerene chem. for the development of new functional dendrimers. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    [60]fullerene-containing thermotropic liquid crystals
    (: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2012)
    Guillon, Daniel
    Donnio, Bertrand
    A review. [60]Fullerene-contg. liq. crystals have reached a high degree of sophistication from the point of view of both their structure and mesomorphic properties. Owing to their unique photophys. and electrochem. characteristics, [60]fullerene-based liq. crystals are promising compds. for the development of nanotechnol. by the bottom-up approach. Indeed, good studies have shown that liq.-cryst. fullerenes can play a major role in electron transport and photoconduction, and photoinduced electron and/or energy transfer has been achieved in donor-acceptor dyads when combined with ferrocene, tetrathiafulvalene, or oligophenylenevinylene. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Building liquid crystals from the 5-fold symmetrical pillar[5]arene core
    Nierengarten, Iwona
    Holler, Michel
    Nierengarten, Jean-Francois
    Comparison of the liq.-cryst. properties of a pillar[5]arene core functionalized with 10 mesogenic cyanobiphenyl units with those of a corresponding model compd. revealed the strong influence of the macrocyclic pillar[5]arene core on the mesomorphic properties. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Design of liquid-crystalline gold nanoparticles by click chemistry
    Mesomorphic alkyne-based 1st- and 2nd-generation dendrons were grafted onto Au nanoparticles carrying azide groups under click reaction conditions. The nanoparticles decorated with the dendrons displayed liq.-cryst. properties and good thermal stability. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    A liquid-crystalline fullerene-oligophenylenevinylene dyad which displays columnar mesomorphism
    Hoang, Thi Nhu Y.
    Pociecha, Damian
    Salamonczyk, Miroslaw
    Gorecka, Ewa
    The design, synthesis and liq.-cryst. properties of a family of hybrid compds. which are built from rod-like (oligophenylenevinylene) and disk-like [poly(benzyl ether)] units are reported. All compds. form columnar phases within broad temp. ranges; the mesophases are stable even below room temp. Weak photovoltaic effect was obsd. for the C60-OPV dyad. For the mol. having a terminal OH group, frustration of the hexagonal packing was obsd. and gave rise to a rare phase sequence. For this material, a columnar phase with trigonal symmetry and doubling of the crystallog. lattice was found below the hexagonal columnar phase. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Diastereoisomerically Pure Fulleropyrrolidines as Chiral Platforms for the Design of Optically Active Liquid Crystals
    Campidelli, Stephane
    Bourgun, Philippe
    Guintchin, Boris
    Furrer, Julien
    Saez, Isabel M.
    Goodby, John W.
    Incorporation of [60]fullerene (C60) within self-organizing systems is conceptually challenging but allows us to obtain materials which combine the characteristics (anisotropy, organization) of condensed mesophases with the properties of C60 (photo- and electrochem. activity). Here, the authors report on the synthesis, characterization, and liq.-cryst. properties of four optically active fullerodendrimers, which are chiral at the point of conjunction between the fullerene scaffold and the mesogenic moieties. Thus, the novelty of this study is to take advantage of the asym. carbon atom created during the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddn. reaction on C60 in order to induce mesoscopic chirality in the materials. Four diastereoisomeric fulleropyrrolidines ((R,S)-1, (R,R)-1, (S,R)-1, and (S,S)-1) were synthesized and assocd. with a second-generation nematic (N) dendron to give fullerodendrimers ((R,S)-2, (R,R)-2, (S,R)-2, and (S,S)-2) which display chiral nematic (N*) phases. The abs. configurations of the stereogenic centers were detd. by X-ray crystallog., 1D and 2D NMR expts., and CD spectroscopy. The liq.-cryst. properties of the fullerodendrimers were studied by polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The fulleropyrrolidine derivs. 2 exhibit supramol. helicoidal organizations with a right-handed helix for the (R,S)-2 and (R,R)-2 diastereoisomers and a left-handed helix for the (S,R)-2 and (S,S)-2 diastereoisomers. This result suggests that the self-organization of such supermol. materials can be controlled at the mol. level by the introduction of only one chiral center. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Accordion-optimized DEPT experiments
    In this contribution, a pulse sequence is described for recording accordion-optimized DEPT experiments. The proposed ACCORDEPT experiment detects a wide range of one-bond coupling constants using accordion optimization. As a proof of concept, this strategy has been applied to a mesogen containing a large range of one-bond (1)J(CH) coupling constants associated with the various structural elements. The ACCORDEPT experiment afforded significant enhancements for the resonances with the larger (1)J(CH) couplings, similar SNR for aliphatic resonances, but reduced SNR for aliphatic resonances as compared with the standard DEPT experiment. In addition, the ACCORDEPT is straightforward to implement, does not require any supplementary calibration procedures and can be used under automated conditions without difficulty by inexperienced users. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.[on SciFinder (R)]
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    Influence of a mesogenic dendrimer on the morphology of polymer-fullerene composites for photovoltaics
    Kasdorf, Olga
    Kitzerow, Heinz-Siegfried
    Lenoble-Zwahlen, Julie
    The efficiency of bulk heterojunction-type plastic solar cells depends on the morphol. of an entangled network of 2 immiscible compds. that serve as electron donor and electron acceptor. Results are presented on how the luminescence and the morphol. of a composite contg. a fullerene C60 deriv. and a p-phenylene vinylene (PPV) deriv. are altered, when a dendrimer with a fullerene core and mesogenic side-chains, is added. Fluorescence quenching and surface topog. of the composites indicate that adding the mesogenic dendrimer can result in smaller domain sizes, which may be useful for photovoltaic applications. [on SciFinder(R)]
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    Liquid-crystalline fullerodendrimers and fullero(codendrimers)
    (: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2009)
    Guillon, Daniel
    Donnio, Bertrand
    This review highlights with selected examples some relevant results in the field of fullerene-contg. thermotropic liq.-cryst. dendrimers. These examples demonstrate the wide application of dendrimers in designing supramol. fullerene materials. Structures and properties are presented according to the nature of dendrimers and mesogenic units. [on SciFinder(R)]