Voici les éléments 1 - 2 sur 2
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Liquid-Crystalline Mixed [5 : 1]Hexa-adducts of [60]Fullerene. Preliminary Communication
    Gottis, Sébastien
    Kopp, Cyril
    Allard, Emmanuel
    A liquid-crystalline mixed [5 : 1]hexa-adduct of [60]fullerene was synthesized by addition of two different malonate derivatives onto C60. The hexa-adduct derivative 2 was prepared by a stepwise synthetic procedure (fullerene -> mono-adduct of C60 -> hexa-adduct of C60). Cyanobiphenyl and octyloxybiphenyl derivatives were selected as mesogens. The malonate derivatives showed either a monotropic nematic phase or a monotropic smectic A phase, and the hexa-adduct derivative gave rise to an enantiotropic smectic A phase.
  • Publication
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    Liquid-Crystalline [60]Fullerene-TTF Dyads
    Allard, Emmanuel
    Oswald, Frédéric
    Donnio, Bertrand
    Guillon, Daniel
    Delgado, Juan Luis
    Langa, Fernando
    [60]Fullerene was functionalized with a TTF derivative and a bis-mesogenic fragment. The synthetic methodology was based on the addition of a malonate derivative to C60 (Bingel-type reaction). Both the malonate and dyad showed smectic B and A phases. The supramolecular organization within the smectic layers was of the monolayer type for the malonate and of the bilayer type for the fullerene derivative. In the latter case, the supramolecular organization was governed by the C60 unit.