Species abundance patterns : the problem of testing stochastic models
Bersier, Louis-Félix
Sugihara, George
Date de parution
Journal of animal ecology, Wiley, 1997/66/5/769-774
<b>1. </b> Tokeshi (1990) proposed a goodness-of-fit test to distinguish among a general class of stochastic species abundance models using field data. This test is a good first step, but it is impaired by some shortcomings: there is no adjustment for the number of species (the rejection rate increases with the number of species in a data set); the variance of the generated abundance distributions are not taken into account (data sets with higher variance than a model are not rejected). <br> <b>2. </b> We propose an alternative Monte Carlo test that overcomes these problems. This is a versatile test that can be used with any stochastic model generating distributions.
Type de publication
journal article
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