A multiplierless implementation scheme for the JPEG image coding Algorithm
Bracamonte, Javier
Stadelmann, Patrick
Ansorge, Michael
Pellandini, Fausto
Date de parution
Proceedings of the “IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium NORSIG 2000”, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2000///17-20
This paper reports an efficient implementation scheme for a JPEG encoder. The baseline JPEG algorithm is executed without involving any multiplication. All the arithmetic operations are reduced to simple additions/subtractions and very short shifts. This translates into a hardware implementation of reduced complexity, which makes this approach attractive in digital image applications for portable devices, where silicon area and power consumption are dominant issues in the design. Furthermore, this multiplierless implementation produces negligible losses in terms of compression efficiency, as well as in terms of objective/subjective quality of reconstructed images, with respect to a JPEG system that executes standard integer multiplications.
Type de publication
journal article
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