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    “Hahaha”: Laughter as a resource to manage WhatsApp conversations
    This study deals with the interactional achievement of laughter in WhatsApp conversations. We aim to describe how texters mobilize “transcribed” laughter (i.e. hahaha), and to what extent laughter is a resource for managing the interactional contingencies linked to the asynchronous nature of the written conversations in which participants are engaged. Using both a conversation analytic approach and quantification, we analyzed 43 WhatsApp conversations collected in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. By focusing on the position of laughter in a message, its sequential position, and the management of turn allocation before and after a message that contains laugh particles, we show that participants recurrently produce volunteered and unilateral laughs combined with assessments as responsive actions. However, depending on the position of laughter in the message and its sequential organization, participants orient to different courses of action. The first pattern includes standalone unilateral laughter (i.e. the message is composed only of laugh particles) that is followed by another message by the same speaker, in which he/she produces an assessment, leading to sequence closing and topic termination. In the second pattern, the speaker laughs in turn-initial position before producing an assessment in the same message; in this case, the next message is performed by the partner, providing him/her with the opportunity to prolong the ongoing topic. Laughter is thus a powerful resource in that it allows participants to orient to interactional moments that are particularly delicate to manage, especially in asynchronous conversations: message-taking and sequence closing/topic termination. Laughter thus opens a window onto how participants display expertise in the management of WhatsApp conversations. Given the impact that asynchronous exchanges may have in social life, the ability to exhibit an identity of “doing being” an expert of new communication technologies appears to be a key competence that deserves further investigation.
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    Same same but different: Code-Switching in Schweizer SMS – ein Vergleich zwischen vier Sprachen
    Cathomas, Claudia
    Ferretti, Nicola
    Bucher, Claudia
    This study examines the formal and functional aspects of code-switching (CS) in a Swiss corpus of 26'000 text messages (SMS). Four corpora (Swiss-German, French, Italian and Romansh) are compared with regard to the absolute number of CS, the languages used for CS, the grammatical properties of the CS elements and their potential functions. The aim is to find out: a) which patterns are representative of one or more individual lan-guages and b) which patterns are characteristic for SMS-communication in general and/or are valid for Switzerland as a whole. With regard to the differences in the number of CS and the languages used, the respective patterns seem to mirror the different lan-guage contact situations in Switzerland. As for the described CS-types, the corpora under scrutiny seem to share the extensive use of one-token alternations (isolated items) that carry out framing functions and may point out a shared type of minimal multilingual practice.
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    Les 'textos' plurilingues: l'alternance codique comme ressource d'affiliation à une communauté globalisée
    Cet article étudie les formes et les fonctions de l’alternance codique (AC) dans la communication écrite médiée par téléphone portable. Il expose d’abord les principaux résultats de la recherche sur l’AC, et notamment de celle sur la communication par SMS. Il présente ensuite une analyse des caractéristiques formelles et fonctionnelles de l’AC dans un important corpus de messages ayant comme langue de base le français (Suisse). L’analyse révèle des pratiques récurrentes d’hybridation des frontières entre les langues, et un recours à un nombre limité de formes-types de l’AC relevant d’un bilinguisme minimal qui s’exprime à travers des formules hautement internationalisées ; elle révèle également l’association récurrente de l’AC à un nombre limité domaines de référence à tonalité souvent branchée et/ou cosmopolite. Sous ces aspects, l’AC apparaît comme une ressource par laquelle les scripteurs affichent leur appartenance à une communauté qui se veut translinguistique et globalisée.