Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 13
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    The uneven geography of research on “environmental migration”
    Climate change and environmental hazards affect the entire world, but their interactions with—and consequences on—human migration are unevenly distributed geographically. Research on climate and migration have their own geographies which do not necessarily coincide. This paper critically confronts these two geographies by presenting the first detailed mapping of research in the field of environmentally induced migration. After a brief review of the geography of research on climate change, the paper presents an overview of nearly 50 years of case studies on the basis of CliMig, a bibliographic database of 1193 scientific papers and books on climate/environmental change and migration, among them 463 empirical case studies. We analyze the locations of these case studies, the academic affiliations of their researchers, and the origin of their funding. Mapping the locations of case studies worldwide points toward blind spots in the research and identifies “overstudied” areas. We describe the methodologies used in the studies and present a typology of environmental hazards. Our results show that research on environmental migration is mainly done in countries of the Global South, whereas climate science research in general is focused on countries of the Global North. We contend that the peculiar geography of environmental migration cannot be explained solely by the uneven vulnerability of southern populations to the environment. It must also be understood through the lens of post-colonial and securitization studies as the result of a framing of “environmental refugees” (and refugees in general) as an intrinsically “southern problem” and as a security risk for the North. This paper is an original contribution to the literature on the North-South divide in scientific research and will help to outline future directions of investigation.
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    Vidéosurveillance et insécurités urbaines : Etude de l’efficacité préventive du dispositif de caméras installé au quartier des Pâquis à Genève
    Drawing upon police statistics, this paper explores the impacts of the videosurveillance cameras (CCTV) installed in November 2014 in the Pâquis neighborhood in Geneva. It focuses on the evolution of criminality within the filmed perimeter and nearby settings. This analysis completes a previous article on the perceived safety of residents (Klauser and Kaenzig, 2017). In line with former studies, our results underline the limited preventive effects of the CCTV system. The analysis shows that cameras are inducing criminality displacement, mainly of drug trafficking. Overall, this study provides a differentiated and complex image of CCTV systems as instruments of territorialization of monitored areas.
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    Effizienz oder Ineffizienz der Videoüberwachung?
    Erstmals in der Schweiz wurden die Auswirkungen von Überwachungskameras auf das Leben eines Quartiers in einer umfassenden, langfristig angelegten Studie untersucht. Hinsichtlich der Präventionswirkung der Kameras lässt sich aus den polizeilichen Statistiken keine Senkung der Kriminalität ableiten. Das nächtliche Sicherheitsgefühl von Seiten der Bevölkerung hingegen hat sich bei rund einem Drittel der Befragten erhöht. Allerdings ziehen die Befragten eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz respektive eine bessere Strassenbeleuchtung gegenüber einer Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung vor.
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    Territorialisation à distance par caméra vidéo : Perception de la vidéosurveillance au quartier des Pâquis à Genève
    En s’appuyant sur des statistiques policières, cet article étudie les effets du dispositif de vidéosurveillance installé en novembre 2014 au quartier des Pâquis à Genève sur l’évolution de la criminalité au sein du périmètre filmé ainsi qu’aux alentours. Cette analyse complète un article précédent portant sur les effets des caméras concernant le sentiment de sécurité (Klauser et Kaenzig, 2017). Nos résultats mettent en évidence les effets préventifs limités de ce type de dispositif. En outre, l’article démontre et problématise l’existence d’un effetde déplacement de la criminalité induit par les caméras, en particulier s’agissant de la problématique du trafic de stupéfiants. Dans son ensemble, cette analyse génère une image complexe et différencié de la vidéosurveillance en tant qu’instrument de territorialisation des espaces publics surveillés.
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    Climate change adaptation of the tourism sector in the Bolivian Andes
    (2016-2-8) ; ;
    Serquet, Gaelle
    Over the last 40 years, warmer temperatures have caused a considerable decrease in snow cover on glaciers and high rates of glacial melt, particularly in tropical mountains. In the Bolivian Andes, the Chacaltaya glacier (5400 masl) had been a tourist destination known as the highest ski slope in the world since 1939. As a result of climate change, skiing has not been possible after 1987 and the glacier definitely disappeared in 2009. However, since 2005, the place has become a new attraction for tourists. Travel agencies in La Paz now offer day trips to the Chacaltaya site. In order to understand the present attraction of the site and its potential for reproduction elsewhere, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted with various categories of stakeholders involved in the tourism industry in La Paz, and archives and images were analysed. Our results show that the multifunctional character of this tourist site, including easy access to a summit, beautiful views, acclimatisation to altitude and opportunity to experience snow, are key factors in its renewed attraction for visitors, together with, to a lesser extent, the incentive of being able to watch a famous and evident full disappearance of a glacier and former ski slope. The stakeholders' groups share general views and perceptions about environmental changes and about the qualities of the site, but they also differ in terms of projects and evaluation of potential attractiveness. In particular, the development of the visibility of climate change impacts on mountain environment is valued by experts or by members of the Andean Club, but not by travel agencies. The example of Chacaltaya shows that multifunctional tourist sites may still be attractive in the future.
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    Can glacial retreat lead to migration? A critical discussion of the impact of glacier shrinkage upon population mobility in the Bolivian Andes
    This article examines the role of glacial retreat on human migration in the Bolivian Andes—a topic with virtually no scholarly focus, yet of critical importance in the era of global climate change. Glacial melting has increased since the 1980s, and popular reports often suggest there will be significant impacts on local populations, including migration. Based on interviews with local residents, both migrants and nonmigrants, as well as topical experts, this study suggests that residents do, indeed, have serious concerns about future livelihood conditions in the Bolivian Andes. Even so, glacial retreat has not triggered new migration flows and has had a limited impact on the existing migratory patterns.
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    Migration and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
    This literature overview aims to review the relationship between climate change and migration, with a special focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. After a brief history of the debate raised by the relationship between the environment and migration, we identify the main environmental consequences of climate change. In particular, we address the aspects related to tropical storms and hurricanes, floods, droughts, rising sea levels, and, melting glaciers. The paper then proceeds mainly by historical analogy: a summary of the past consequences for migration of these environmental degradations allows us to identify the most important migration issues related to climate change.
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    Migration et changement climatique en Amérique latine : quels enjeux ?
    Cette synthèse de la littérature existante fait le point sur les rapports entre changement climatique et migrations en accordant un intérêt particulier au continent Latino-Américain. Après un bref historique du débat que soulève la relation entre environnement et migration, nous identifions une série de conséquences du changement climatique. Les aspects liés aux ouragans, aux inondations, aux sécheresses, à l’élévation du niveau des mers et à la fonte des glaciers sont en particuliers abordés. L’article procède ensuite principalement par analogie historique: une synthèse des conséquences migratoires passées de ces aléas environnementaux permet de mettre en évidence les principaux enjeux migratoires liés au changement climatique.
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    Migração e mudança climática em América Latina
    O artigo visa fazer um balanço da relação entre mudança climática e migrações, com foco específico no continente latino-americano. A síntese proposta é baseada em um levantamento de estudos empíricos existentes até o momento. Após um breve histórico do debate sobre a relação entre mudança climática e migração, examinamos as principais consequências ambientais das alterações climáticas, com destaque para aquelas que mais podem impactar nos deslocamentos populacionais na América Latina. Vamos abordar, de forma específica, aspectos relacionados com os furacões, as inundações, as secas, a elevação do nível dos mares e o derretimento das geleiras.